Hall Of Fame

Ted Kahn
Ted started by hiring a couple of kids to peddle balloons on PCH in Redondo Beach in 1946. He went on to work for Marx Toy Distributor and then for Blatt Dist. Co. In 1973 he became a manufactures toy rep. He served on the Slate of Officers for about 20 years.
Date of Retirement: January 1, 2000

Tom Patrick
Tom began his toy career in 1968 working at Fedco, partime while going to college. He stayed with Fedco throughout his career climbing the corporate ladder to the position of Toy Buyer (his favorite category was plush), then to Merchandise Manager and finally to the position of Vice President. Before the demise of Fedco, Tom became ill with a rate heart condition. He collected Barbie Dolls, Matchbox Cars and Hot Wheels.
Deceased: June 10, 2000

Leo A. Scherrer
Leo founded the Leo A. Scherrer Co. in Los Angeles in 1924. He represented many lines in all 11 of the western states, while starting a family in Seattle. In 1955 he gave up traveling the state of California to concentrate his efforts in the Pacific Northwest and Mountain States. In February 2000, the Leo A. Scherrer Co. merged with Reingold & Associates, this concluding 75 years under the name of its founder.
Deceased: February 29, 1960 at the age of 58.

Rod Spongberg
Rod began his toy career in 1973 working for his father Jay Spongberg and his parter Harold Bell, Jay-Bell Sales. In 1985 he and his partner Eric Agrelius took over the business when Jay and Harold retired. He left the reping business in 1976 to run the retail division of Play by Play. He joined Chosen in 1999 and is currently a GM at Greyland Trading, living in Hong Kong. He served one term as president of WTHRA.
Date of Retirement: Still Active

Bob Wagonhurst
Bob started his toy career in Los Angeles in 1950 as a toy representative for Associated Merch. Corp. In 1958 he formed Wagonhurst Associates, Inc representing Radio Flyer for 37-yrs, Transogram Co. for 23-yrs., Kransco Mfg. for 23-yrs and many other manufacturers for many years./ From 1989-1992 he became co-owner of Palisades Playthings and Toys For All Reasons. Awards: Years of Service Award for Radio Flyer, Kransco and Transogram.
Date of Retirement: 1997
ToyFest West
is hosted by
Western Toy and Hobby Representatives Association
A non-profit organization