Hall Of Fame

Eddy Goldwasser
Eddy started in the toy business working for his father’s company Simplex Toys from 1964 – 1974. In March 1974 Small World toys was born. It went from a small company selling products from Europe to a company selling products from Europe and the Far East on a nationwide basis. He served on the Board of Directors of ASTRA as a founding member for its first four years.
Date of Retirement: 2005

Hy Guralnick
Hy started his toy career in 1947 in the warehouse of Pensick & Gordon. From 1948-1950 he was in outside sales covering the San Joaquin Valley; buyer for General Mdse Corp from 1950-1953; owner of Robdon Toy Co. from 1953-1956; at Blatt Dist. Co from 1956-1990 and owner of H & G Dist. Co. during 1990-2001. He was named Salesman of the Year at Blatt Dist. Co.
Deceased: September 2005

Herald D. Hammond
Founder of Western Toy & Hobby, Inc. in Salt Lake City, Utah. He started in the toy business in 1954 working out of the basement of his home. He eventually had to move into a small warehouse due to his expanding business. Grand Central, ZCMI, Skaggs Drugs and Alpha Beta were just a few of his major accounts. Herald and his wife Mable, have eight children (all girls) and 49 grandchildren.
Deceased: February, 2, 2003

Irvin “Kip” Kipper
He began his career in the toy industry in October 1945 in Los Angeles. At the end of WWII he and his wife started a toy store, Kip’s Toyland, in the Town & Country Village. After a few years, and with good luck, they were able to move to the Farmers market at 3rd & Fairfax and are still there.
Date of Retirement: Still Active

Lou Silberman
Lou began his toy career in 1949 with Amsco. In 1955 he moved on to become the manager of the New York sales office for Doll-E Toys; 1957-Bayshore Ind.; 1961-1969 Mattel Toys. In 1974 he formed his own rep company. In 1976 he joined with Joel Tasman & Associates; in 1978 it became Silberman, Tasman & Beard and Silberman & Beard became known as Besco. In 1989 he joined Frank Martin Assoc. He has been a member of WTHRA since 1974; President of WTHRA; Chairman of the United Jewish Fund; Board of Directors for the Mattel Alumni Assoc. “Life Skills” Program.
Date of Retirement: January 1995
ToyFest West
is hosted by
Western Toy and Hobby Representatives Association
A non-profit organization