Hall Of Fame

Ted Frankel
Ted began his career in the toy industry in 1973 working full time for his father, Don, in the wholesale business, and part time as far back as 1957, when Don, purchased his first toy store. He was a Sales Rep for 8 years; Federal Wholesaler for 6 years and a Retailer for 34 years. He purchased his first toy store in San Luis Obispo, Tom’s Toys and now owns stores in Montrose and Beverly Hills. He received the WTHRA Retailer of the Year award in 2001.
Date of Retirement: 2022, He passed away February 1, 2022

Steve & Judy Hall
They opened their first franchised Toy World in Modesto, March of 1977, owned by Rasco. After Rasco merged with Wickes and the franchise program was discontinued, in 1979, they were offered a transfer to open a new Toy World store in Reno. After 4 years, when Kay-Bee purchased the chain, they decided to go out on their own. In 1983 they approached Ernie Kahn, owner of World of Toys with an offer that he accepted. Between 1984 and 1990 they opened two more stores. Once World of Toys closed, Steve opened a skate, surf and snowboard shop in Reno called The World Boardshop.
Date of Retirement: Steve and Judy both are now retired

Charles “Chuck” Levin
Chuck began his career in the toy industry in 1967 with Elmex, a family toy distribution business in Cincinnati, Ohio. The business was acquired by W.R. Grace in 1976. Chuck was transferred to LA to become VP Sales and Buying. This included the toy division of Pensick & Gordon. In 1984 he co-founded Levin & Schneider along with Mike Levin and Ed Schneider. He is very proud of becoming a leading rep and toy distributor.
Date of Retirement: Retired, unknown

Myron “Mike” Levin
Mike started in the family toy business in 1969 after graduating from college and marrying his wife of 47 years, Nancy. After 8 years he moved to LA to work at Pensick & Gordon. He headed up the buying and merchandising department until P&G ceased operations. IN 1984 he co-founded Levin & Schneider also with Chuck Levin dab Ed Schneider.
Date of Retirement: Retired, unknown

Edward “Ed” Schneider
Ed’s first exposure to the toy industry was in January 1974, working for W.R. Grace in New York. In 1978 he relocated to LA to become the VP of Finance for Pensick & Gordon. In 1981 he was part of a group that purchased P & G and in 1982 it was sold to Northern Specialty. In 1984 Ed, along with Mike and Chuck Levin formed Levin & Schneider. L&S originally started as a rep organization, eventually expanding as national distributor. He has served on the Board of Directors of WTHRA for the past ten years.
Date of Retirement: Retired, unknown

Roger Wilcox
Roger began his career in the toy industry in 1969 working for Raleys in Sparks, NV. He made toy buyer in 1985 and retired in March 2003. He loved Toy Fair and the WTHRA Pomona Show.
Date of Retirement: March 2003

Burke Williams
Burke started in the toy industry in 1966 as Assistant Manager of the Play’n Save Drug Store in Auburn, Washington. He became Manager in 1980. In 1986 he moved to Toys Galore as General Mgr. becoming President in 1989. In 1991 he moved to Merchants West as vice President, becoming President and General Mgr in 1994. From 1999 to present he has been Product Mgr of Toysmith. His awards in the industry are too numerous to list.
Date of Retirement: Still Active
ToyFest West
is hosted by
Western Toy and Hobby Representatives Association
A non-profit organization