Hall Of Fame


Jane Naisbitt

Jane Naisbitt

Jane and John started Thinker Things in Escondido, CA in 1974. In 1977 it was relocated to Del Mar. The store has expanded 4-times to its current 4000 sq. ft. location. She has participated in several toy related catalogs; served three years on a toy selection committee for a toy catalog; and is a Charger member of ASTRA.

Date of Retirement: 2014

Sid Strand

Sid Strand

Sid began his career in the toy industry in 1977 with Don Melcher at Western States Sales & Marketing. He was also a rep with Jim Skahill, Larry Aledort, Bob Payne and Kelly O’Connell. He worked in sales with the wholesalers at Blatt Distributing, Federal Wholesale and Ben Carlip.

Date of Retirement: Retired, unknown date

ToyFest West

is hosted by

Western Toy and Hobby Representatives Association

A non-profit organization