Hall Of Fame

Dennis Dillman
Dennis started in the toy business in June 1974. He joined his dad Pete Dillman and two brothers, and they were all rapping together with The Mountain States Sales Co., selling toys in the Rocky Mountain states, and their mother, Maxine, taking care of the Books. Over the years, Dennis has been President of the Rocky Mountain Toy Association and also President and Board member of the Mountain Marketing & Management Association.
Date of Retirement: Still Active

Don Dillman
Don started in the toy business in 1971 with his father’s company, Mountain States Sales Co. and moved to Salt Lake City. In his first year with great lines, like Tonka Toys, Little Tykes, Wham-O, etc., he went from the New York Toy Show to the WTHRA Show at the Biltmore Hotel in downtown LA. After almost 40 years, he is still traveling the Mountain States. Don has continuously been on the Slate of Officers since 1987 and become President of the Slate in 1994. In 2000 he was elected Chairman of the Board.
Date of Retirement: Still Active

Gary Dillman
Gary started in the toy business approximately June 1974. From 1974-1985 he worked out of the Phoenix office for The Mountain States Sales Co. (owned by his parents). Territory included all accounts in Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and El Paso, TX. January 1988, Gary and his wife, Barbara, started a new company, Dillman Sales & Marketing. Their new rep agent business covered Washington, Oregon and Alaska primarily.
Date of Retirement: Still Active
ToyFest West
is hosted by
Western Toy and Hobby Representatives Association
A non-profit organization