Hall Of Fame

Wayne DePaulo
Wayne DePaulo started working with The Toy Sellers Group for Northern California in 1984. He started as a Gift and Baby store rep and then moved into toy and gift. Wayne enjoyed working with many new store owners like Early Works, The Ark, Five Little Monkeys, and helping to develop play days, birthday registries and other in-house promotions. He also enjoyed working with new toy companies, such as Oddzon, Briar Patch, and Bead Bazaar, and building their brand names.
Date of Toy Retirement: Semi retired, but still handles telemarketing and a few toy accounts.

Jan Fox
Jan Fox started working in the toy industry in Cincinnati Ohio in 1974. She was a Rep for Western Model of Ohio and moved to California in 1978. She worked as a rep for Simco Pacific, Russ Berrie, Dakin and Jim Skahill. In 1984, Jan worked for Frank Martin for 20 years. She then took time off to spend with the grandkids then to work for Anne Mcgilvray, and is currently employed at R-Biz. Jan designed exclusive dolls for I. Magnin for the Madame Alexander Doll Company, National Award Top Sales Rep for Leap Frog in 2000, Madame Alexander top sales award for new product launch, Toy Fair Booth design for Pamela Drake.
Date of Toy Retirement: Still active

Irvin Kipper
Irvin “Kip” Kipper started Kip’s Toyland in October 1945 after returning to Los Angeles from a German Prisoner of War camp. Kip’s Toyland, the oldest toy store in Los Angeles, was started October 1, 1945 in a shopping center called the Town and Country Village. In October 1956, the store was relocated to the Original Farmers Market, where it has been continuously operated since. The store just completed its 71 Holiday season, serving generations of loyal Los Angeles families.
Date of Toy Retirement: Partially retired in 2011; deceased April 22, 2016

Barbara Lillichs
Barbara started her adventure in the toy industry in 1978. While attending U.C. Berkeley, she was about to start a part time job as a waitress when she passed an amazing toy store window display with two carousel horses. Barbara started as a part timer while going to college and then on graduation day, her boss brought in a bottle of champagne, a huge bouquet of flowers and asked her to become the manager. After having a child, she decided to forget the manager position, because she would rather be a buyer. The rest is history!
Date of Toy Retirement: Still Active and Going Strong!
ToyFest West
is hosted by
Western Toy and Hobby Representatives Association
A non-profit organization