Hall Of Fame

Terry Asten Bennett
Cliff’s Variety was started by Terry Asten Bennett’s great-great grandfather in 1936 in the Castro district of San Francisco. The store specializes in a variety of products from toys, housewares, small home and garden tools, office supplies and more. As trends change merchandise changes with it, but one area that has survived the test of time and the needs of the neighborhood, is their toy department. Terry’s first exposure to toy buying was in the late 70’s and early 80’s when her mother was buying the toys for the store at the Oakland and Washington Toy showrooms. In 1997, after graduating from San Diego State, Terry moved back home and started working in all the departments of the store and learning the business from bottom to top. In 2011, she took over the buying for the Toy Department. It was only going to be a transitional job, but Terry quickly found that it was her favorite part. Over the last few years she has transitioned the toy department into a destination toy store. The 500 square feet of toys is tightly merchandised to maximize the space. Terry found that her love for children and play make a perfect combination for toy buying.
Date of Toy Retirement: Still Active

Jim and Retha Davis
Jim and Retha Davis started Kid’s Center with a dream after the sale of another business and the purchase of the property at 1725 N Swan, Tucson, Arizona. After extensive remodeling and interior buildout as well as much research and product procurement, the door officially opened in October, 1989. Since then, they have continued to increase their merchandise as well as create a book selection with over 15,000 titles. Despite the lack of high ceilings, they’ve found creative ways to expand the merchandise selection in the same amount of space. And 30 years from their humble beginning, Jim and Retha continue to serve the greater Tucson area from the original location. Over the years, Toy Sales Reps in the Mountain States area were an integral part of the business. Tucson is in the middle of the desert, but over the years, many sales reps came to them and were a very valued part of their business team. They truly appreciate the support they were always given by toy reps and hope they were loyal and supportive to them also.
Date of Toy Retirement: Still Active

Jerry Pinsky
Jerry Pinsky started in the toy industry in 1974 working for Importoys of Los Angeles. He started in the warehouse and moved to customer service shortly after and in 1977 became the National Sales Manager for many years until 1991. Jerry formed a partnership with a fellow Importer Rep he hired, Peter Trouw under the name R-Biz Associates in ’91, that Peter created when he first started repping at Importoys. For six more years Jerry was a sales manager consultant for several companies before dedicating his full attention to R-Biz. He continues to cover a large geographic territory for R-Biz Associates and loves what he does.
Date of Toy Retirement: Still Active

Peter Trouw
Peter Trouw started his career in the Toy Industry in August of 1987. Jerry Pinsky hired Peter at Importoys in San Francisco and put him on the road in the bay area and all of Northern California. As Peter acquired more lines, he created a company name called R-Biz Associates in 1989 and in 1991 formed a partnership with Jerry Pinsky. Peter was responsible for Northern California and Jerry handled Southern California. To this day, roughly 30 years later, they continue to run their business in the same way, a steady service to the industry and created a nice platform of gifts and toys. The reps working for them have stayed with the company for many years and some have been with R-Biz since the beginning. Roughly 20 years ago R-Biz opened the LA Showroom and five years ago opened a showroom in the Las Vegas Market Center. R-Biz has been a part of ToyFest West for many years and has been honored with several booth awards over the years.
Date of Toy Retirement: Still Active
ToyFest West
is hosted by
Western Toy and Hobby Representatives Association
A non-profit organization